Home > Artworks > alberto navarro garcia

Photo of alberto navarro garcia Spain

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"Alberto Navarro, Suko, ceramist born in 1977, Castellón, Spain, presented their works in ceramics and art applications that help enrich our environment. In his projection as a ceramist has led to a search of a personal artistic language. The originality and quality ceramics are active creative work of Alberto Navarro, featuring hand-made pieces of unique design. "The potter Suko offers a world of creativity, ceramic...

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"Alberto Navarro, Suko, ceramist born in 1977, Castellón, Spain, presented their works in ceramics and art applications that help enrich our environment. In his projection as a ceramist has led to a search of a personal artistic language. The originality and quality ceramics are active creative work of Alberto Navarro, featuring hand-made pieces of unique design. "The potter Suko offers a world of creativity, ceramic nature, to enjoy life, creating unique pottery and author custom projects to suit the client. "Alberto Navarro, works for individuals, businesses, galleries, associations, municipalities, etc. Sculptures, Murals, Decoration, Interior, outdoor pottery, corporate image, Trophies, Ceramic and Light, Portraits and endorsed proposals can manage through custom orders. Biography outstanding:

2008-July / Pepe Barrachina Course, Red Mate. School of Art and Design, (Castellón). August / Art Exhibition Alcora 2008. Alcora (Castellón).

2007-Solo Exhibition, Old Culla hospital, exhibition hall. (Culla Castellón). -Collaborating Culla Contemporary International Conference.

2006 -2 º Joventud Sculpture Contest Prize Castellón Ayto -2 º Joventud Painting Contest Prize Castellón Ayto. Realization of Jove Castelló Trophies Awards, City of Castellón.

2005-Solo Exhibition Room, Ministry of Culture and Education (Castellón de la Plana)-Bullfighting Competition Exhibition "Davalos-Fletcher Foundation (Castellón de la Plana).

2004/Octubre-Finalist National Ceramic Competition "Ciutat de Castellón," International Competition Finalist Alcora 24. (Castellón).

2003-1st Prize Competition Commercial Agents Ceramics (Castellón)-Course Monograph Keepp Steen Ceramic Workshop School of Art and Design, (Castellón). "Participation" Fence "Contemporary Ceramics, Zaragoza. 2 Year-End Studies Manises Ceramic.

2002-22 Finalist International Ceramics Competition Alcora. Course-color chemistry "given by Arcadio Blasco and Pianezzola Pompeo, Ceramic Space (Gijón).

2001-Participation in the contest national ceramics exhibition Hon. City Council (Castellón). -Participation in Group Exhibition at the School of Arts and Crafts in the ceramics museum Alcora. -Course ceramic sculpture for public space, Arcadio Blasco (Aviles). Research-Starts as Sculptor Ceramist in our own workshop by his own work. San Juan de Moro (Castellón, Spain).

2000-Honorable Mention in Competition IV exposure of Commercial Agents (Castellón). -Ends Art Ceramics Graduate School of Arts and Crafts (Castellón)

1999 Contest-Honorable Mention Trophy Joves of Ceramic Castelló.

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